Church Ministries
Ministries and Activities
Sunday School
We offer Sunday school classes for both children and adults. We have adult classes, a class for teenagers, classes for children of all ages, and even a nursery. In addition to regularly meeting together for times of prayer and Bible study, classes also plan activities throughout the year to stay active and grow closer together as Christians. As the Bible states, our goal towards others through this ministry is that we are "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matthew 28:20)
Wednesday night youth meetings
Every Wednesday night throughout the school year, we hold club for children and teens ages 4-18. Each night, students get the opportunity to listen and interact in Bible lessons, memorize Scripture, learn to study God's Word, and play exciting games. Students also get the opportunity to earn "Bucks" to spend at the Club Store, participate in theme days, and much more!
Nursery is provided during each of our services and Sunday School from infants to three-year-old toddlers. We provide a safe, family-oriented environment and encourage parental involvement. We are flexible to meet the needs of our families, even providing an overflow room where parents can be involved in the service with their children who temporarily may not be able to be in the auditorium or in nursery.
Intercessors for Christ prayer time
Every Tuesday night at 7:00, we meet together for a special time of prayer for our nation and for each other. It is a time to get together in Christian fellowship to be serious about prayer. This time is a great way to help fulfill the Bible’s mandate that we should be "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;" (Ephesians 6:18)
We believe in the importance of the great commission given to all the church which states, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations.” We believe that the Holy Spirit empowers the church to be witnesses not only to the rest of the world via missionaries but also to be witnesses in our local area. We engage in regular outreach to our neighborhood and the surrounding area with canvasing door to door, an annual Vacation Bible School program and other special events, and home visits.
World-wide missions support
Our church has had the privilege to support missionaries all around the world. We currently support over thirty missionaries in various countries in every populated continent as well as several ministries in the United States. We have a heart to further support missionaries in prayer and love gifts toward special projects every year.
Each month the Sisters of Strength and the Men’s Fellowship meet for a time of encouragement and fellowship. Each group takes time to reflect in God’s Word as well as lift each other up in prayer. We also enjoy other banquets and fellowship times throughout the year the grow closer as a church family and encourage each other.