Upcoming Events
Missions Conference
Join Us for Missions Conference, March 15 - 19!
At Calvary, we believe that Worldwide Missions is an important and urgent commission of the church, and we are so very thankful to be able to partner with our missionaries as we fulfill the command of Christ to “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Our missions conference is to renew in us that spirit of faith giving that enables our missionaries to go, while also remembering to lift them up in prayer to God.
This year, for our Conference, we are excited to welcome Evangelist Thomas Knickerbocker as our keynote speaker. Bro. Knickerbocker is a Field Rep. for HELP Ministries which has the mission of assisting and equipping national pastors to reach their own people right where they are with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will also be joined by several of our missionary families in person and by video.
The Conference will kick off on Saturday with a very special service to ordain our missionary sent to France, Andrew Livingstone. You will want to be part of this special time and support Andrew and Sephora. This service will start at 4:30 pm and will be immediately followed by our International Potluck Banquet! Services will continue Sunday at our listed service times as well as Monday through Wednesday at 7:00 pm each night.
Come and be challenged by God’s Word and renew your vision for Worldwide Missions! I encourage each one of us to pray, “Lord, what would You have me to do?” Let’s trust God to provide for us to serve Him and others. I sure hope to see you there!
Tom and Barbara Knickerbocker

Christmas Evening Service
Join us under the stars as we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! Jesus came to this earth, died, and rose again to offer the forgiveness of sin for all mankind, so that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved! Christmas is about recognizing Jesus coming in flesh for that very purpose. We will take time to honor our loving Savior!
This will be a unique service outside around a bond fire. We will start at 7 with a time of fellowship and hot beverages. Then we will sing some carols and read some Scripture, and we will be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. We hope you can take a moment and join us. Don’t forget to dress warmly!
If the weather does not permit this activity, we will hold a similar service indoors, with no fire of course!
Fall Revival with Dan Knickerbocker
We welcome again Dr. Daniel Knickerbocker for a week of revival services, and we hope you will join us. Evangelist Knickerbocker has a heart to see lost souls saved and God’s people revived. You won’t want to miss!
The week will kickoff with a special Friend Day Sunday! Come on out as our friend and special guest and bring someone along with you! We will start the day with Sunday School at 10 am and the morning service at 11 am. We will then serve lunch to all who can attend. Come on back at 6 pm for the evening service as we continue to hear from God’s Word.
Then from Monday to Thursday, we will have service each night at 7 pm. We sure hope to see you then!

Fall Family Festival
You are invited to the Fall Family Festival at Calvary Baptist Church!
Check out the date and time: this is different than previous years.

Know Your Neighbor Sunday
We are inviting all of our neighbors for a special Sunday!
On Sunday, August 11, we would like to invite you to join us for morning service and lunch on the grounds so that we can get to know each other better. Maybe your kids have attended our Vacation Bible School, maybe your neighbor already attends, or maybe you have driven by the building on your way home—in any case, we would love to meet you. If you don’t have a home church already, maybe we can fill that need. It is so good to be part of a church family that can supports each other.
When: August 11 starting @ 11 am, followed by lunch (provided by the church). There will be an optional afternoon service following lunch if you are able to stay.
Where: 3301 Thomas St, Norfolk, VA 23513
Guest Speaker: Dr. Corey Bane
This Sunday, August 4th, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Corey Bane. Pastor Bane has a heart to help churches by advising and ministering to pastors through the ministry of Advanced Pastoral Concepts. With over 30 years of experience in the pastoral ministry, Corey is well equipped to encourage and counsel pastors, thereby strengthening the churches.
Pastor Bane will be teaching the adult Sunday School at 10 am and preaching in the Morning Service at 11 am and the Evening Service at 6 pm. If you don’t have a home church to attend, we encourage you to visit with us. You will surely receive a blessing!
VBS Commencement Sunday
We hope you will join us Sunday for the Commencement Ceremony of Calvary VBS 2024! Come see and hear what the kids have learned this week. We had a great week, averaging over 50 kids each day, and we were able to contribute to a great mission work! Hope you will join us starting at 11 am for the commencement. Come early at 10 am for Sunday school classes for all ages, and we also invite you to join us for the evening service at 6 pm.
Easter Services at Calvary
You are invited to join us on March 31 for Easter Morning Service! Come for breakfast starting at 9:15 am, and stay for our Sunday School time at 10 am and our morning service at 11 am.
There is no more significant, life-changing event for today then the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is a special day to celebrate this blessed event. Jesus died for the sins of the whole world and rose again from the dead to offer eternal life to all who will call upon Him. The truth is that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; and that the wages of that sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. You can repent and turn to Jesus, placing your faith in Him for salvation, and He will save you and make a new person out of you!
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, it would be a privilege to introduce you to Him. You can read more of your eternal destination and how to be saved by clicking this link, and also we would love to meet you at one of the above mentioned service times on Easter or at any of the times listed on our website.
Perhaps you are looking for a church family in the Norfolk area and have yet to find where the Lord would have you be. We hope you will consider visiting with us. We would love the opportunity to meet you too!

New Year's Eve Special Guests: The Knickerbocker Brothers Quintet
We cordially invite you to spend part of the evening of New Year’s Eve with us at Calvary Baptist Church as we welcome the Knickerbocker Brothers who will be singing live with us starting at 6:00 PM. It is rare to have all five brothers together as each of them have followed the Lord in varying parts of the world. It will be a great blessing to you to hear their singing and testimonies. Also, we look forward to the first-born of the brothers, Tim, sharing a message from God’s Word. Tim is a longtime missionary to France where God has used him greatly to start churches and a youth camp.
The service will start at 6:00 PM and will go to around 7:30 PM (or so). Hope to see you there!

Christmas Eve Services
During this busy season, don’t forget to take time to appreciate God’s great gift to all people, the gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came to earth as a baby in a manger to be the sacrifice that would pay the sin debt for all of us. Truly, this is the greatest gift that we can freely receive!
Come celebrate with us this Christmas Eve!
Sunday School starts at 10 AM.
Sunday Morning service starts at 11 AM. We are pleased to welcome Evangelist Dan Knickerbocker who will be preaching a special Christmas message!
Sunday Evening service starts at 6 PM. We will sing some Christmas songs together and praise God for salvation through His Son.

Thanksgiving Praise Service
Psalm 92:1, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:”
On Tuesday, November 21, we invite you to join us for a special Praise and Prayer Service at 7 pm. We will share with each other what we thank God for, sing praises to His name, and go before Him with thanksgiving! Come praise the Lord with us!
This will take the place of the Wednesday night service for this week. We hope you are able to enjoy time with family and friends.

Friendsgiving Sunday
We would love for you to join us Sunday, November 19, for a time of Thanksgiving celebration with your friends at Calvary Baptist! Come for Sunday School at 10 am and a special service at 11 am. We will then enjoy a potluck lunch together, followed by a Praise and Thanksgiving service. This afternoon service will take the place of the evening service for that day.

Veteran's Day Service
We are very grateful to those who have so honorably served in our Military over the many years and through various wars. Praise God for our wonderful veterans! We desire to honor those who have served as humble servants to maintain our freedom. Please join us Sunday Morning, November 12, at 11 AM for our worship service, during which we will honor those who have served and pray for those who continue to do so!

Fall Family Festival
The signs of Fall’s arrival are all around, and we are excited to once again host our annual Fall Family Festival! Come join us for good food, games, prizes, s’mores, and, of course, Bible preaching. We will have activities for the whole family. Sure hope you can make it out! We will start serving dinner around 6:30 pm, and evening activities will begin around 7 pm. Come join us!

Guest Speaker for Evening Service: Dr. Jack Meeks
We are so pleased to have with us again one of our longtime-supported missionaries and great friends of this church, Evangelist Jack Meeks. Bro. Jack has been a missionary for many years preaching worldwide on many radio stations, supporting churches and pastors in Mexico, and bringing Bibles and witness to many other countries as the Lord opens the door.
Dr. Meeks will be joining us for the evening service on October 29 at 6 pm. You are sure to receive a blessing from the Lord if you are able to come. Hope to see you there!

Fall Revival with Dr. Daniel Knickerbocker
Make sure you mark your calendar for our fall revival with Evangelist Dan Knickerbocker! We need revival, and we must prepare our hearts in humility, in prayer, in seeking God’s face, and in turning from our wicked ways to God. God has greatly used the preaching of Bro Dan, and he and his wife Anne are such a blessing to meet. Come join us October 8-13 as we seek revival from the Lord. Sunday’s meetings will be at the normal service times, and we will meet at 7 pm for every other night through Friday. Hope to see you there; you won’t want to miss it!

Vacation Bible School
Calvary Baptist Church is happy to announce that online registration for Vacation Bible School is officially open! VBS this year will be on June 19-23, 2023. For more information or to register, click here or the link below.

Missions Conference
Join us for Missions Conference on April 16-21! We look forward to hearing from several of the missionaries we support, including our main speaker for the week, Missionary and Evangelist Harrell Noble. We look forward to hearing updates, and we are praying that God will allow us to further our support of worldwide missions. Services will be at normal times on Sunday with a meal after the morning service, and throughout the week at 7 pm.

Come Spend Easter Sunday at Calvary!
You are invited to join us for a celebration of the death, burial, and glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In truth, every Sunday we celebrate what Christ did on the cross to offer forgiveness of sins, but Easter or Resurrection Day is a special, set-aside time to truly appreciate Christ conquering death to offer eternal life. If you don’t have a home church or if you are visiting in the area, we would love for you to join us on this special day. On Sunday, April 9, we will have breakfast at 9:15, followed by Sunday School at 10:00 and morning service at 11:00. We also invite you to our evening service at 6:00.

Friendsgiving Sunday
Please join us for a special Friendsgiving Sunday on November 20 at 11:00 am. After the morning service, we will enjoy a potluck lunch together followed by a special service of praise and song! We hope you will come enjoy the day with us!

Summer Revival at Calvary
This summer, please join us for revival with Evangelist Dan Knickerbocker! Bro. Dan has been such a blessing to our church in the past, and we know the Lord will use him again through sound Biblical preaching to challenge our hearts in following after Christ. We would love for you to come as our special guest!
The revival will start on Saturday as an Ordination Service for our new pastor, Pastor Tim Powell. The service will start at 6:00 with a meal to follow.
On Sunday, services will be at 9:45 am, 11:00 am, and 6:00 pm. Evangelist Dan Knickerbocker and Evangelist Jack Meeks will be speaking in the services that day. Bro. Jack has been a faithful servant of the Lord first as a pastor then as a missionary/evangelist for many years. Over the years, Bro. Jack has given an outstanding example of trusting and following the Lord, and he has been a great friend of Calvary Baptist for many years.
We will continue the revival Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with service each night at 7:00pm. Please consider yourself invited to join us as you are able; we would love to see you there, and I know your heart will be blessed for it if you will open yourself to what the Lord has for you! See you there!

Vacation Bible School 2022: Big Fish Bay!
Big Fish Bay
VBS 2022
Big Fish Bay ~ VBS 2022 ~
Vacation Bible School 2022 is underway at Big Fish Bay! You can register for the remainder of the week online now by following this link to register. We hope to see you there!

Norfolk School of the Bible (NSB) Semester Three
Semester 3 of Norfolk School of the Bible has officially started and will continue through the last Sunday of April, which is the 24th. We are excited to offer this semester on each Sunday three wonderful courses that will help equip the Christian for ministry:
9:15 am—The Christian Home
10:05 am—New Testament Survey
6:00 pm—Teaching the Bible
We hope you will join us for each class as we study Biblical truths for our lives. These classes are offered in person as well as livestreamed from our YouTube channel, where they are also archived for future viewing. You can find past classes by following the links below.

Norfolk School of the Bible (NSB) Semester Three
Semester 3 of Norfolk School of the Bible has officially started and will continue through the last Sunday of April, which is the 24th. We are excited to offer this semester on each Sunday three wonderful courses that will help equip the Christian for ministry:
9:15 am—The Christian Home
10:05 am—New Testament Survey
6:00 pm—Teaching the Bible
We hope you will join us for each class as we study Biblical truths for our lives. These classes are offered in person as well as livestreamed from our YouTube channel, where they are also archived for future viewing. You can find past classes by following the links below.

Resurrection Sunday
Jesus died for us to pay the penalty of death for our sins—the penalty that we as sinners owe, and then He rose to life again to offer us eternal life in Him! Jesus gives real hope to all who would turn from their wicked way and ask for the free gift of salvation!
Come join us for Easter Sunday as we celebrate the death, burial, and triumphant resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Our service times on April 17 will be the following:
Sunday School at 9:45 am.
Morning Service at 11:00 am.
Evening Service at 6:00 pm.

Norfolk School of the Bible (NSB) Semester Three
Semester 3 of Norfolk School of the Bible has officially started and will continue through the last Sunday of April, which is the 24th. We are excited to offer this semester on each Sunday three wonderful courses that will help equip the Christian for ministry:
9:15 am—The Christian Home
10:05 am—New Testament Survey
6:00 pm—Teaching the Bible
We hope you will join us for each class as we study Biblical truths for our lives. These classes are offered in person as well as livestreamed from our YouTube channel, where they are also archived for future viewing. You can find past classes by following the links below.

Norfolk School of the Bible (NSB) Semester Three
Semester 3 of Norfolk School of the Bible has officially started and will continue through the last Sunday of April, which is the 24th. We are excited to offer this semester on each Sunday three wonderful courses that will help equip the Christian for ministry:
9:15 am—The Christian Home
10:05 am—New Testament Survey
6:00 pm—Teaching the Bible
We hope you will join us for each class as we study Biblical truths for our lives. These classes are offered in person as well as livestreamed from our YouTube channel, where they are also archived for future viewing. You can find past classes by following the links below.

Norfolk School of the Bible (NSB) Semester Three
Semester 3 of Norfolk School of the Bible has officially started and will continue through the last Sunday of April, which is the 24th. We are excited to offer this semester on each Sunday three wonderful courses that will help equip the Christian for ministry:
9:15 am—The Christian Home
10:05 am—New Testament Survey
6:00 pm—Teaching the Bible
We hope you will join us for each class as we study Biblical truths for our lives. These classes are offered in person as well as livestreamed from our YouTube channel, where they are also archived for future viewing. You can find past classes by following the links below.

Norfolk School of the Bible (NSB) Semester Three
Semester 3 of Norfolk School of the Bible has officially started and will continue through the last Sunday of April, which is the 24th. We are excited to offer this semester on each Sunday three wonderful courses that will help equip the Christian for ministry:
9:15 am—The Christian Home
10:05 am—New Testament Survey
6:00 pm—Teaching the Bible
We hope you will join us for each class as we study Biblical truths for our lives. These classes are offered in person as well as livestreamed from our YouTube channel, where they are also archived for future viewing. You can find past classes by following the links below.